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Transformation ~ Empowerment ~ Authenticity

We understand transformation can be a struggle. Maybe you feel like you have been going it alone, searching for answers, circling around the gearing up and giving up cycle? Frustrated because you feel stagnant? We can help you take actions to create massive shifts in perspective and show you how to develop new habits. Breath of Freedom was created to support your deep dive into authenticity. Your growth and self-awareness is just as important to our community as it is to you. We have created classes, workshops, and travel adventures focused on mindfulness, movement, nutrition, and community with you in mind. You will find yourself stepping into a life of freedom, abundance, and and purposeful direction! And the best part is you won't be alone. The path to aligning yourself is full of community. You'll be surrounded by like-minded women who believe in your journey and are ready to share the adventure. Can you imagine how this vibe will change your life direction??? Your health, wealth, and wisdom will be off the charts so you can create a life you love while making the world a better place! 


Our Core Values

"Inspiring & empowering authenticity and transformation that ignites a massive shift in personal potential and purpose filled action."

Inspire & Empower Authenticity

You being you is everything. Your unique gifts are brought to the surface and celebrated. We explore ourselves through each others eyes and know that deep self love is possible.

Promote Self-Awareness & Accountability

Fear falls away, as you are encouraged to know yourself, take ownership, and go for it!

Design Lives Filled with Purpose & Passion

Find what truly lights your own fire, so you can write your own story. Your soul will shine as your purpose rises to action to serve your personal mission!

Support Each Other's Transformation

Gather together in classes, workshops & adventures promoting health, wealth, and inner wisdom. You find growth and awareness more quickly, in a a fun way through community and collaboration.

Create Community

Developing relationships with others who share your core values, courage & commitment to supporting each other for years to come!

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Why Breath of Freedom?

I am a transformational life coach, Hatha yoga facilitator, & flight attendant. I also spent a lot of years climbing the corporate ladder as a sales rep in the fashion & special events industries, only to realize when I reached the top it wasn't the view I had hoped for. I was exhausted in mind and body, my relationships were uncared for and, although, my bank account was busting, I was really unhappy. I began to see I would have to invest in myself. I am certified in Hatha yoga and YogaKids and became an Integrative Nutrition Coach. I let go of the corp world and began a new adventure. eventually becoming a flight attendant, which lead me right back to being unhealthy and exhausted... again... Sometimes we need to learn the same lessons over and over! This caused me to dive deeper into health and led me to the personal and financial benefits of social selling.

Still travel was my greatest reward, the only time I could breathe deeply and feel free. This where I met people I found interesting and inspiring. These friends from other lands taught me different ways to live. They introduced me to new ideas and wisdom around food, inner healing, mindfulness, and the importance of tribe or community. These experiences allowed me to grow and transform beyond what I could have on my own. In gratitude for these connections and observations I longed to create the opportunity for others to thrive in the same ways, to take in their own breath of freedom, to find clarity and momentum. 

My personal mission was born; "to create a community which inspires and empowers authenticity through transformational experiences in mindfulness, movement, nutrition and travel, igniting a massive shift in personal potential and purpose-filled action." 


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